Our team partners with clients to help them overcome challenges to employment. Finding and retaining a job in the community is the goal! We also collaborate with other providers and natural supports, identified by the client as important to their success.
Supports include:
- Vocational assessment
- Resume assistance
- Interview skills and practice
- Searching for job postings
- Assistance with applications
- Benefits counseling
- Job retention support
- Problem-solve issues that come up on the job
Bridgeways’ Supported Employment Program is driven by the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model. The IPS model is an evidence-based practice of supported employment for people living with mental illness that prioritizes rapid job search, focuses on client preferences, and competitive employment. The IPS model embodies a belief system that people living with mental health concerns can and should work.
Who is Eligible
Adults with a mental health diagnosis, with Medicaid who qualify for Amerigroup-funded services through .
How to Apply
Amerigroup FCS staff review referral forms to make an eligibility determination, then refer eligible participants to agencies that provide Supported Employment under the FCS program’s Medicaid-eligible services. You may select Bridgeways to provide Supported Employment services by noting this on the , fax cover sheet, or email a message to Amerigroup.
Note: If you live in the City of Everett, and do not have Medicaid or otherwise qualify for Amerigroup-funded services, you may be eligible for our “Safe Streets Supported Employment Program.”
Contact Stephanie Overton at soverton@bridgeways.org or 425-513-8213 with questions or to learn more.
Have questions, comments, or feedback? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to us HERE.